Anonimo asked that we not use his name because of the situation in Argentina

Anonimo asked that we not use his name because of the situation in Argentina

Anonimo: That will help us in Argentina

JE: What can I do to help?

Anonimo: The fascist government today will hold a loyalty march. And on 8N they will go out to kill the liberals who march against this government. They said it themselves

JE: Argentina, Freedom 6.47 #107, Economic #148, Col 36.41, LP – Liberal Libertarian Party; EFN Fundación Libertad Website:; Libertad y Progreso Website: http : //; 

New Country Project; Arauco; Proposed State: Patagonia, Pressure Group: Patagonian Independence Movement, Proposition: Secession of Argentine Patagonia.

Proposed State: en: Wallmapu; Pressure Group: en: Council of All Lands, Proposition: Self-determination for the Mapuche people.

Anonimo: Our minimum wage is less than Haiti’s. Besides property is not respected

JE: Are they going to kill all the classical liberals on November 8?

Anonimo: They call it idea basicamente (the basics?) And the Mapuches kill and usurp private property. And gays get subsidies.

And that’s why besides communism I hate gays.

JE: They don’t respect property rights or the rule of law?

Anonimo: None, The shots in Guernica’s are supported by the left. And they get into people’s houses. They stripped the army of Bariloche. And the ERP came back and is supported by the government

JE: The People’s Revolutionary Army (Spanish: Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo, abbreviated as ERP) was the military branch of the communist Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores (PRT, Workers’ Revolutionary Party) in Argentina. …

Anonimo: On 8N the communists will go out to kill liberals.

JE: The Mapuche Indians don’t believe in private property, I know. Does the government subsidize being gay?

Anonimo: Yes, And it also subsidizes years. And people for having children. In short, they give away money without stopping to stay in power.

JE: It seems like a lot is happening. Can I post our conversation on my page?

Anonimo: Without my name, yes. Is that if you publish with my name, I am dead later. The problem is that there are many young people who support this.

And they say it is the imperialism of the USA, long live Che Guevara, and the revolution. The Peronists are Nazis who joined with the Communists. March in support of the government in the elimination of private property.

JE: Ok I will post it anonymously.

Anonimo: March in support of the government in the elimination of private property. I think you must see a military intervention from nato.

JE: Is there any way to get out of the country, visit “relatives”?

Anonimo: We can not; prohibited from leaving even from the provinces. But gays and Mapuches can do whatever they want. In short only if you are from the government.

They censor the Internet!

1 Comment

  1. Just got this message from Anonimo
    “Hello, on 8N I may die, not because I am aggressive, the nodio and the countrywoman already know that I am a liberal, On 08-11 I will be shot if they discover me, anyway I recognize my crime! If being a libertarian is a crime! And on 8N they come out to kill us, here is the message from the mayor * Make a homeland and kill a liberal, for every liberal killed 140 dollars, you can kill them with rifles or sticks, as you like * look at me now I just have to pray.”


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